Monday, July 26, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Naked


Looking out on so many possibilities.

A world of possibilities are waiting just outside of the window~~
Open, expectant, and ready to see and learn a world of new things.

Madeline Bea, host of "The Sunday Creative" challenges, posted this Webster's definition of the word "Naked"

"To help you, I’m including Webster’s definition so you can grasp the WIDE range of options here:

Naked: 1. Having no clothes on, 2. Unsheathed, 3. Lacking a usual or natural covering, 4. Plain, Unadorned, 5. Not aided by artificial means

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Sunday Creative: TRADITIONAL

Part of our Girl Guide Unit was very privileged to be invited to serve cookies at a traditional Garden Party in honor of Queen Elizabeth II at the Government House of our province. The Queen did a "walk about" to meet the public and a statue of her was unveiled in the garden during the event. Another tradition was the flying of the Queen's flag over Government House for the period of time she was there.

It was a wonderful experience that we won't for

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Connect


You can look at our family connecting with nature.. or the bird family's connections.

Whatever.. it was very special to be out there photographing these magnificent loons.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Denim


We were at the lake and I was looking for what we had that was denim out there. The first one I admit was a bit staged. The second one was when my husband brought me some lovely wild raspberries he picked by the dock. The light hit the berries so I took a picture and the blue of his denim jeans popped out too.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Open


To open ones wings and vibrate in the breeze from the window,
To be open to whatever one will find just the other side of the threshold,
To hold a hand open in a gesture of support and of freedom.
Open to whatever is yet to come,

Wild Roses.
One branch with a bud about to open, one flower fully open to the light, and one whose petals are dropping in the heat of the sun, not knowing that it will soon become a rose hip that holds the seeds of it's own future.

"The Sunday Creative" is a weekly challenge to express yourself creatively using a word prompt.
What a fun idea this project is! This is my very first effort at joining in a blog sharing group so be patient with me please.